Romans 13:11-14
Matthew 24:36-44
Last Sunday was Reign of Christ Sunday -- the last Sunday of the liturgical year and the end of our worship journey through the past year:
- last December we began with the birth of Jesus
- through Epiphany we looked at Jesus' life and work
- in Lent and Holy Week we suffered through his arrest, execution and burial
- through Easter we celebrated his resurrection
- at Pentecost and after we gave thanks for the gift of the Spirit and the growth of the community of faith through the world
- leading in the end to Reign of Christ Sunday when we look around at the world and rejoice that ... well ... we recognize, if we're honest, that Earth is not yet the kingdom of God, not yet fully the way God desires
And as always, Advent begins with readings that are more about the second coming of Christ rather than the first. They point us to days of judgement and transformation which many interpret as "end-of-the-world" scenarios. So while the rest of the world is shopping, cooking, decorating and planning for a festive season, should we be party-pooping critics, preaching Doomsday and Gloomsday?
But the readings are not doom and gloom; they are visions of hope and reminders of God's promise to redeem life on Earth. They are not about the-end-of-the-world and God's destruction of what is (as the fundamentalists would have us believe); they are about the end-by-transformation of the world's incompleteness, brokenness and darkness.
And isn't that what many people are trying to express and to create in their Christmas festivities? That life need not be as dark and dreary as it often is? That we can be better and do better -- be more joyful and generous and compassionate as individuals, families, communities and nations than is often the case through the rest of the year?
A questions is, can we be as effective as Walmart, de Boers, the LCBO, and Princess Cruise Line in touching and speaking to that deep longing people feel in their heart for life on Earth to be better? Beginning with, and working out from our Advent worship, will we be re-lit for another year of witness to new and truly good life from God for Winona and all the world beyond?
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