Reading: Ruth 3 and 4
Theme: Who's story is this, anyway?
In a
sermon series on “Celebrating (and Listening to) the Little People in the
Stories” you might wonder why this sermon is about Boaz. In Bethlehem where he lived, Boaz was not a
background character. He was not one of
the city’s little people.
He was
a landowner who seemed to recover well from the famine that decimated and
destroyed many others. He was head of a
prosperous household that employed a number of servants. He was blessed, successful, and influential.
He was
a good law-abiding man. He followed the
customs and expectations of the city elders, did everything right and above
board, and even made sure he and his servants followed God’s law – the law of
compassion for the poor and needy, instructing his servants not to be greedy in
what they gathered of God’s blessings, making sure the poor had access as well
to all they needed of Earth’s bounty in his fields.
He was
a good, kind rich man, and it was he who stepped in when Ruth and Naomi needed
a saviour. His kindness and generosity towards
them kept them alive, and kept the future open for the coming of David, the first
real king of Israel who a few generations later came into the world as grandson
of the man who by the grace of Boaz was born to Ruth.
makes you wonder why the book of this story is not named The Book of Boaz. He is an example worth holding up for
all rich and well-intentioned people to follow – for all of us to follow, as we
live out our privileged position today in relation to many others in Canada and
most other people of the world. So The Book
of Boaz would be a really good story of how the rich and blessed can live in
this world in such a way that they can be part of the story of God and of God’s
kingdom on Earth.
it’s called something else – The Book of Ruth.
It’s named after the woman Boaz helped save – a poor immigrant to
Israel, an economic refugee from a foreign country and people and religious
tradition, an alien woman bereft and alone in the world, known only for her
sacrificial commitment to her equally poor and bereft mother-in-law.
maybe the fact that it’s named after her – that Ruth and her desperate life are
lifted up as the real story, that Boaz the successful and
blessed man is made secondary to her, and that Boaz in all his privilege seems okay with being just
a passing servant to her and her mother-in-law’s need – maybe all of this is part
of what this story tells us about how those who are rich and powerful find
their way in to the good news of God and of God’s kingdom on Earth.
are four things I see in Boaz that speak to me and challenge me.
One is
that Boaz is a good man. He is blessed
and he knows it. So instead of thinking
that the fruitfulness of his fields is his doing – that he’s earned all he has
and now it’s his to enjoy as he sees fit, he sees his good fortune as God’s
bounty that’s really meant for all – which is why he takes from the fields only
what he needs, and leaves the rest, leaves enough for the poor to be able to
come into his fields and gather what they need as well. Beyond simple law and order, he lives and
teaches others God’s law of compassion and care for the poor.
wonder if I do as well in how I see and use what I have in life.
Boaz looks beyond the simple and narrow definition of who he is to care for and
care about. With Israel still not a
kingdom, still just a loose collection of twelve tribes governed by a network
of judges, the question of who’s us and who’s not is important. It would be easily for the tribes to lose
their identity, for the family names to be lost, for the bloodlines and
heritage to be watered down, for the sons and daughters of Israel to become so
mixed with other people that they would cease to exist as God’s special people.
And that’s
part of what leads Boaz’s kinsman to say no to the opportunity of helping Naomi
and Ruth, because it might put him and the continuity of the community he is part of, at risk. But Boaz doesn’t let himself
worry about that. He sees someone in
need, and knows that whatever the risk to himself and his community, he has to help them. He reaches out in love, and treats them as
sisters to him. He knows together they
are citizens of the world, family of the one God of all heaven and earth.
I wonder if I do as well in who I see as part of my world.
when Boaz does offer help, he doesn’t try to control the situation or the
people he helps. He gives and shares with
no strings attached. Once he sees Ruth
and Naomi’s plight, he marries Ruth to guarantee their safety and well-being
and the continuance of Naomi’s dead husband’s line and inheritance within the
community. And he does it for their
sake, not his – so they can carry on in the community as they need to and want
to, not so he can bring them into his own household and make it bigger and more
when a baby is born to Ruth – a son! – the one destined to be grand-father to
the greatest king of Israel, Boaz lets the child and all he is destined to be,
be Ruth’s and Naomi’s to claim. He
doesn’t even claim naming rights. The
women around Naomi decide the boy’s name, and Boaz is okay with that. He lets go of control. He doesn't need to have his name all over the kingdom of God; it can have a foreign name, as long as it's the kingdom of God. He gives and shares with others what God has
blessed him with, and then leaves it for God and the others to work out as they
see fit.
do I do as well?
finally, how does Boaz get started on this saving journey of love and blessing?
How does he find his way in to the story
of God and the unfolding of God’s kingdom on Earth?
does it by falling in love. By being
seduced. By letting his heart be
captured by someone in need. Beyond just
his general goodness, kindness and faithfulness he starts to feel a passion for
some very particular need that is laid at his feet, that he wakes up to and sees
right before him, and that he does not hesitate to embrace.
think of how, when we chose the Syrian family we are helping to sponsor as this
year’s Summer Day Camp mission project, instead of just talking to the children
and their parents about the refugee crisis in general and about the one family
in some nameless way, we showed them their pictures and we told them their
names – Loay, the young father; Israa, the young mom; Sham, the 3-year-old
daughter; Zain, the one-and-a-half year-old-son. We really hoped they would come to care about
them and take them to heart as individual persons.
I think
of the effect on Barb McMullen six or seven years ago when she took an actual
tour of the City Kidz facility and saw the whole set-up and the people first-hand;
of the VanDuzers going as a family to the Dominican to help build homes; of Suzanne
Boyce going to Haiti a few years ago and Robyn Hunt going to the Galapagos soon
on medical missions where because that’s where their passion takes them; of Canadians
who take the time to actually listen to or read the First-Nations stories that
have surfaced through the process of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,
and be moved and changed by them.
Boaz is
a basically good rich man who goes the one step further of letting his heart be
captured by some particular need right at his feet, that he wakes up to one day
and sees right in front of him.
wonder -- even at this stage of my life, what will catch me? If some need
and story that I see someday right in front of me might capture my heart,
seduce me into action, and draw me in a focused, passionate, saving way into
the story of God and God’s kingdom on Earth today?
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