Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Towards Sunday, March 19, 2017

For two weeks already, and for two more after this Sunday, we will be reading the story in Mark 10:46-52 about Jesus healing a blind beggar of Jericho named Bartimaeus, to help us explore five practices of fruitful congregations.

The first week, we focused on Jericho's history of walls tumbling down, as a way of exploring and celebrating the ways of Radical Hospitality in our congregation (and asking whether there are maybe still more walls than we realize, that could use a little tumblin'.)

Last week, the emphasis was on Bartimaeus' blind desire to be near to Jesus and not to miss out on gift of God's messiah, as a way of understanding Passionate Worship in our life as a church.

And this week?

The particular miracle of healing blindness and of helping Bartimaeus see, as a way of understanding, celebrating, and perhaps praying for new ways of practicing Intentional Faith-Development as a congregation.

Is blindness a good image of what the world suffers from, these days?

Is healing from blindness, and being made able to see in new ways a good image of what Christian education is, and what it accomplishes?

How are children's eyes opened, and to what are they opened, at Fifty?

How are adults eyes opened, and to what are they opened, at Fifty?

What have your eyes been opened to in our church?  What would you like to be able to see more clearly, or deeply?


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